Survey finds that Canadian drivers are like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: 95% of respondents admit to occasionally being aggressive and road rage-like when driving, while 94% consider themselves courteous drivers.
Survey finds that Canadian drivers are like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: 95% of respondents admit to occasionally being aggressive and road rage-like when driving, while 94% consider themselves courteous drivers.
Speeding is alarmingly common on our roads, plus, the reasons drivers give when caught.
Every day across Canada, an average of 232 vehicles are stolen. In a year, 24,000 cars are swiped in Ontario alone. But where in Ontario is it particularly important to be on guard against car thieves?
From the youngest drivers to the oldest, distracted driving knows no age limit, according to an analysis of drivers who compared Ontario auto insurance quotes at InsuranceHotline.com.
Auto insurance is compulsory in Canada. This is the minimum mandatory auto insurance required per province and the average insurance premium.
The lowdown on tickets and collisions in cities across Ontario.
An InsuranceHotline.com survey highlights a dangerous trend in distracted driving behaviour.
Should driver's training be mandatory for all new drivers, like it is in Quebec? Read and see what Canadians think about it.
How honest are Canadians? Find out...
With winter fast upon many motorists need to take special care on the roads. Take a look at our Infographic on the top 4 admitted driving distractions - Medieval edition.
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