The Favourite Dream Car Contest, which ran on Facebook from December 14, 2011 to January 13, 2012, has now ended and is pleased to announce the contest winner. Kim Coady of Toronto, Ontario is the winner of a $250 Canadian Tire gift card. Kim...

The term ‘acts of God’ is not typically used in standard home insurance policies – and as such, they’re probably not covered. However, there are some weather-related instances, such as tornadoes and hail storms that may be covered on your home insurance policy; while flood and earthquake damage may not be covered...

A G1 driver who is involved in an accident may face repercussions both legally as well as with car insurance rates. Because there are many restrictions placed on a G1 driver’s license, an accident in which any of the conditions of driving are not...

PRESS RELEASE: January 26, 2012 - Getting behind the wheel is always a big responsibility and for new drivers, inexperience makes it even more vital to be aware of this responsibility. To help new drivers improve their skills and be safer on the road,