Everyone likes to think they are a good driver, but most of us have a bad habit or two that puts us at a higher risk for a ticket or for an accident. Getting rid of bad habits behind the wheel not only makes Canada’s roads safer for everyone, but it can help make sure your insurance rates stay lower...

Spring is here and with the warm weather approaching, it's important to be remember the rules of roads to avoid getting a traffic ticket. The most tickets are issued in June, July and August, as many drivers are more comfortable on summer roads and police officers are highly monitoring the roads. If you obtain a traffic...

With spring in the air buying a new home might be on your agenda. If you’re in the market for a house, there are a lot of things to consider when checking out listings. Buyers need to think about more than just square footage, price, and lot size; before you make an offer, make sure...

Most people make an effort to make certain they are getting a good deal on the right car insurance policy; after all, it’s an expensive but necessary part of driving. But even those who are conscientious about it can make costly mistakes; and if you aren’t putting much thought into your insurance policy...

Spring is approaching fast, and after a long winter every home needs a little attention, both inside and out. Here are a few important tips for spring cleaning and repairs that can save a lot of money in the long run. The long months of winter can be hard on a home, and as spring approaches...

Term life insurance is typically purchased by people who are seeking life insurance coverage for a specific period of time; people who would like life insurance even...

Home insurance is something most people don’t think about much; they simply pay it year after year and accept that it’s part of home ownership. But when your home insurance comes up for renewal, you should be giving it a little more attention to make sure you are getting the most for your money...

Life insurance can seem complicated on the surface, but once you understand the types of policies and how they work at different stages of life, it becomes easier to understand. Everyone needs life insurance, but to choose the right policy for your needs right now – and for the future – you need to know a little about how the different...

Everyone likes to think they are a good driver, but most of us have a bad habit or two that puts us at a higher risk for a ticket or for an accident. Getting rid of bad habits behind the wheel not only makes Canada’s roads safer for everyone, but it can help make sure your insurance rates stay lower...