PRESS RELEASE: November 14, 2012 - In the event of an accident or sudden illness that ends in tragedy, the people left behind have a lot to deal with. Financial concerns don’t have to be among them with the right life insurance in place to protect them. These tips from...

Nothing puts an end to the holiday cheer faster than an accident that causes damage or injuries. Taking a few simple steps to ensure everyone is safer during the holidays can help make sure it’s a happy holiday season for all. These tips from will help keep the cheer in everyone’s holidays...

Shopping for life insurance quotes can be confusing, and it’s even worse when you find yourself confronted with insurance jargon you don’t quite understand. A grasp of the common life insurance terms you are likely to encounter makes it easier to choose the right policy for your needs and make certain you are covered fully and properly. These terms will often come up when you’re looking to buy a life insurance policy, and are easy to understand...

In this week's blog entry I'm going to address speed limits. Seems simple enough right?. This is one area, believe it or not, many drivers just don't seem to understand. As you probably are aware, legal speed limit signs themselves are black (numbers) on a white (background) and are rectangular in shape. This is significant. Any road sign that is black on white is a called a "Regulatory Sign" simply meaning it's the law 24/7...

When it comes to getting a new car, you have two main options – buying and leasing. Both sides of the coin come with pros and cons, and of course your insurance may be something that is on your mind when you’re making the decision as well. When choosing whether to buy or lease, there are a few main factors to take into consideration...

Canadian drivers know that our winters can make road conditions slippery and dangerous, and that means that being on the road during those months carries more risk than during dry summer months. Unfortunately, many drivers have some bad driving habits that could result in an accident or a roadside emergency that result in injuries...

It's difficult to pin down exactly why it is most people enjoy driving. Whatever it is, it's safe to say that for the most part, everyone seems to have this forever burning passion to drive. Somewhere. Anywhere. And anytime. And it doesn't seem to matter too much about the cost of fuel, or other automobile-associated costs like insurance and maintenance. People by and large will always...

Although you may think that home insurance is for the homeowner only, it's important for you, as a renter, to be protected. Tenant insurance is designed for people who are renting a home; to make sure they're covered for fire, theft and other disasters...