NEWS Sep 19, 2012 Gas Saving Tips

TORONTO, August 28, 2012 – With Canadians returning from vacation and children going back to school, roads will again become busier giving further rise to driving annoyances and unsafe practices. A survey conducted by Vision Critical Media for showed some interesting findings around these behaviours...

PRESS RELEASE: September 17, 2012 - Getting married is a very exciting time in the life of a couple. With so much going on between wedding planning and making a new home together, insurance concerns can sometimes fall through the cracks. Newlyweds have several things to consider when it comes to combining their insurance...

There are a lot of insurance companies out there looking to earn your business. There’s no reason to stay with a company that doesn’t meet your needs or isn’t taking care of you properly. If you aren’t sure whether you need to consider switching...

A home insurance policy covers you for a wide variety of things; it includes coverage for liability, for your personal property, and for the house itself. But there are some things which are generally excluded from a home policy, and it’s vital that you know what they are. These 5 things...

PRESS RELEASE: September 12, 2012 - Insiders in the insurance world know that it’s possible to save a lot of money on car insurance with a few simple tips. shares the same information that insiders know to allow everyone to obtain lower...

There are a lot of car insurance myths floating around out there. Unfortunately, this causes confusion and difficulty for people simply trying to get the coverage they need at a price they can afford. These top five car insurance myths remain pervasive, despite the fact that...

Shopping around for car insurance quotes isn’t a task most people look forward to, but there are some major benefits to taking the time to shop around – some of which you may not have thought of. While most people shop around because they...

TORONTO, August 28, 2012 – With Canadians returning from vacation and children going back to school, roads will again become busier giving further rise to driving annoyances and unsafe practices. A survey conducted by Vision Critical Media for showed some interesting findings around these behaviours...