Building a business is hard work and requires a major investment of your time, money, and energy. When you have put all that into creating a company you can be proud of, the last thing you want is to lose it all to a lawsuit, an accident, or a theft. Commercial insurance exists to protect you, your company...

Drive safe and keep a few basic items handy in your car; you could find yourself getting back on the road quicker if you ever run into problems. See what your car kit should include.

Even the newest and best-maintained car can run into trouble on the road. From a flat tire to an overheating engine, there are a number of reasons you might find yourself stranded on the side of the road. Being prepared for such an event is the best way to ensure you – and anyone in your car – stay safe while changing a flat or awaiting...

Warmer days ahead mean one major thing on Canadian roads: construction.  While the presence of workers on the roads, closed lanes and detours may be frustrating to drivers who are trying to reach a destination on time, remember that they are doing an important job and have a short window in the spring and summer months to get it done.  Caution in construction zones is vital for the safety of the workers as well as for drivers...

Insurance terms can be difficult to understand, and when it comes to protecting your business, it’s vital that you have a clear view of what your coverage entails. Getting to know the meaning behind some of the common terms used in commercial insurance is the best way to make shopping for your commercial policies simpler. These definitions provide a basic guide to the world of commercial insurance, and will help break down the complex terms of your policy...

Like any other part of running your business, you want to keep the business insurance coverage within the company’s budget. It’s important to have all the coverage you need, but it’s also important for that coverage to be affordable and keep your company’s bottom line healthy. Fortunately, there are some ways to save on commercial insurance and still get a comprehensive policy that covers all the bases...

Business insurance is designed to protect every aspect of the company you have built from the ground up, and make certain a mistake or an accident doesn’t spell the end. Most business insurance policies are a package that incorporates the same basic coverage. From there, you will likely have added a few other options based on the type of business you run. Beyond the basics, there a variety of options you can consider adding to your package. Take a look at some of the options that are well worth your consideration...

Building a business is hard work and requires a major investment of your time, money, and energy. When you have put all that into creating a company you can be proud of, the last thing you want is to lose it all to a lawsuit, an accident, or a theft. Commercial insurance exists to protect you, your company...