Can a driver borrow another person's car even though they are not listed on the car insurance policy as an occasional driver? Anne Marie explains.
Can a driver borrow another person's car even though they are not listed on the car insurance policy as an occasional driver? Anne Marie explains.
Is it possible to remove an occasional driver - a person who lives with you - from being listed on your auto insurance policy? Anne Marie explains.
What happens if you're to blame for a collision but the other driver doesn't have insurance? Anne Marie explains.
When does the clock start kicking until a ticket comes off your driving record: When you get the ticket? Or, when you pay the ticket or when the court finds you guilty (if it does)?
When it comes to an auto collision, someone is always going to be found responsible for causing it.However, when it comes to insurance, fault is not assigned by police attending the scene; instead, it is set out by regulation.
Ask Anne Marie, answers the question: Can a person who holds their G1 licence drive on a road with an accompanied driver without insurance?
If you're moving to Alberta from Ontario (or vice versa) how much information is shared between the two provinces as it relates to your driving record and insurance history. Anne Marie explains.
Is there ever an occasion when it's okay to drive without insurance? Anne Marie explains.
Does accident forgiveness work for a secondary driver also or just the primary driver? Anne Marie explains.
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