When a collision occurs when someone is making a left-hand turn, it’s often because that person isn’t paying close enough attention to oncoming traffic. This however may not be the case in this particular situation.
When a collision occurs when someone is making a left-hand turn, it’s often because that person isn’t paying close enough attention to oncoming traffic. This however may not be the case in this particular situation.
If you drive a vehicle that is not registered in your name and want to get insurance for it, what do you do? Anne Marie knows which way to turn.
Not sure how long ago that accident was? Anne Marie Thomas tells you how you can go about getting a copy of your insurance history that will detail your history of auto collisions.
Can an auto insurance pricing adjustment be made once the deal is locked in? Anne Marie explains.
If you’re exiting your parked car in a parking lot and the open door of your vehicle is hit by another driver, whose fault is it? Anne Marie explains.
Driving in wintry conditions – even at a low speed – can be hazardous. If your vehicle is damaged after hitting a curb because it slid on an icy driveway, who pays for the damages? Anne Marie provides insight.
If you plan on turning down a renewal offer from your insurer and taking your business elsewhere, Anne Marie recommends letting your provider or broker know.
Using your vehicle to deliver food? Anne Marie warns against assuming your personal auto policy will cover you if you have an accident.
Driving without a licence and insurance are serious offences that are costly and can have far-reaching consequences. Anne Marie explains what the outcome may be.
If you think you were given incorrect information about what financial relief measures your insurance company is offering during the pandemic, turn to the insurer’s ombuds office, Anne Marie says.
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