Have you ever experienced a fender bender? Perhaps every driver’s worst fear, it is nonetheless an unfortunate reality of the road: motor vehicle accidents occur every 60 seconds, worldwide.
Below you will find a visual representation of all the types of accidents, why they happen and how you can prevent them.
An estimated 2,209 Canadians are killed in automobile accidents each year, and a staggering 40,000 Americans are killed each year. Worldwide, 1.2 million people lose their lives in automobile accidents, per annum.
Perhaps most alarming of these statistics is the fact that a majority of auto collisions are actually avoidable. The main reasons for car crashes? Human errors, miscalculations, over-corrections, and other hazardous driving behaviors all attribute to the rising number of collisions, across the world.
For today’s infographic, we present to you some pertinent factors that contribute to automobile crashes. We hope this informative visual serves as a friendly reminder of the importance of safe driving!
http://blogs.wsj.com/drivers-seat/2013/02/13/which-types-of-car-accidents-are-most-common/ http://www.statisticbrain.com/car-crash-fatality-statistics-2/