If you are planning a trip outside of Canada, purchasing travel health insurance is a smart idea. Your provincial health care plan will only provide you with very limited coverage in another country, leaving you to foot the majority of the bill for any medical care you might need. Travel health insurance plans were created to provide coverage for the wide gap between what your health plan will pay and the actual cost of health care abroad.

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June 15, 2011, Toronto, ON In an effort to help consumers save on insurance rates, Insurancehotline.com, a non-biased insurance rate comparison service is separating fact from fiction by debunking the most common car insurance myths in an effort to keep consumers informed.

When it comes to choosing a new car, there are many factors to consider. Certainly, price is a major determinant, as is the make and model of the vehicle, colour and a host of other criteria as well. However, one thing that many people don't consider is the effect your vehicle choice has on your insurance.

Whether you&rsquo;re taking a short weekend trip over the border or planning an extended stay in another country, buying travel insurance is an essential part of booking your trip. But not all insurance coverage is equal and the process of choosing your coverage can be...

Insurance can be a complicated product. There are limitations, exclusions and sometimes onerous application procedures. Take heart - with some basic knowledge and a sense of advocacy, you can secure the optimum coverage for yourself and your family. Travel with peace of mind and obtain your Canadian travel insurance policy with ease.

Did you know that in July 2010 over 700,000 Canadians travelled overseas? That&rsquo;s nearly 5% of the population. While it seems that Canadians love to travel, many only get to go abroad every few years. This infrequency makes vacationing extra special, so making sure that everything goes smoothly is crucial. This is why trip cancellation insurance is so important &ndash;it protects you before and during your vacation to ensure that if something unforeseeable happens, either preventing you from going on vacation or forcing you to return home early you are protected from the financial consequences.

If you are planning a trip outside of Canada, purchasing travel health insurance is a smart idea. Your provincial health care plan will only provide you with very limited coverage in another country, leaving you to foot the majority of the bill for any medical care you might need. Travel health insurance plans were created to provide coverage for the wide gap between what your health plan will pay and the actual cost of health care abroad.