As we approach the end of another year, we often look back and reflect on events of the past twelve months. This is a good time to review some of the key changes in the auto insurance industry, as well as changes to the Highway Traffic Act - here are the highlights.

In a worst case scenario, when an accident happens and you actually need to make a claim on your home insurance, are you confident that you will get the kind of coverage you really need?Given the huge assortment of different coverage options that are offered by Canadian insurance companies, it is no surprise that most consumers are often thoroughly confused as to what their policy actually covers. In the event of a disaster, is your coverage sufficient to provide the peace of mind you need? In order to put yourself at ease and be confident in the knowledge that you are covered for anything that can go wrong, you should consider asking the following key questions before you purchase your policy. Any reputable home insurance company will be more than willing to answer the following questions for you.

In most areas of Canada, the winter season can significantly affect driving conditions, leaving you more prone to accidents. During the winter, even more so than other times of the year, it's important to focus on defensive driving to protect yourself and keep your family safe and sound. Driving safely also helps keep your insurance rates down, while minimizing wear and tear on your vehicle.

As careful as we are, there is the possibility of being involved in an accident while you're driving. While carrying car insurance minimizes the financial risks and responsibilities of the aftermath of an accident, there is a possibility that you and your insurance company could disagree about the benefits you're entitled to in the event that you have to file a claim. What can you do in the case of a dispute with your insurance company? The best scenario is that you and your insurance provider can come to an agreement that works for both of you, but in the case that it isn't possible to resolve the disagreement between both parties, there are other options available to you.

Your home is likely the biggest investment you'll ever make, so it makes sense to protect it. In Canada, you need to hold some form of home insurance to secure a mortgage, but there are questions you need to answer before you buy. How do you know how much insurance you need? What perils are covered under your insurance policy and which ones aren't? Home insurance may seem difficult to understand at first, but with a little bit of knowledge you'll be able to make the right decision to protect your home and your family.

When buying insurance, you can choose to buy from an insurance agent who represents a specific insurance company, or you can choose to purchase your insurance through an independent insurance broker. Often, an independent broker can prove to be the better choice, and it's easy to find the cheapest insurance premiums from a broker in your area online.

With fall fast approaching, students will soon be leaving their parent's homes to move to their new lodgings on or near their university campuses. If you're one of them, or a parent or guardian of one, you should know that an important but often overlooked way to protect both their possessions and financial health is to make sure that you have tenant insurance.

There is no question that harsh winter weather can wreak havoc on your vehicle. From snow, slush, and salt damage to treacherous driving conditions that can increase your chance of a collision, drivers need to be extra cautious during this snowy season. While you can't control the weather, you do have power over certain practices that put you at greater risk for theft or damage and can be easily avoided. Here are a few winter driving habits that can be costly.

As we approach the end of another year, we often look back and reflect on events of the past twelve months. This is a good time to review some of the key changes in the auto insurance industry, as well as changes to the Highway Traffic Act - here are the highlights.