A poll conducted by an insurance company in September 2010 showed that nearly one quarter of Canadians don't know what their insurance policy covers. According to the study, more than half (53%) said they had made a claim on their insurance policy, and of those, 42% said they were surprised by something contained in their policy.

Whether moving into a new home, or considering changing insurance coverage, understanding the basics of home insurance is crucial in helping you make the right decisions. You need to know exactly what each home insurance policy covers before deciding on which home insurance quote best suits your needs.

Home insurance protects your most valued possessions, but that doesn't mean that it should cost more than it has to. Following these helpful tips and getting multiple home insurance quotes will help you reduce your home insurance costs - just watch the savings add up!

Your home will likely be the largest single purchase that you ever make, which makes protecting it from loss paramount, both as an investment and for the safety and comfort of your family. Home insurance is an important part of making sure that your home and possessions are as safe as possible. When applying for home insurance quotes, you may be asked a number of questions to assess the safety and security of the dwelling, and your answers will affect your home insurance premiums. The following tips will help to make your home a safer place and could reduce your insurance rates.

It's that time of year again, and your home insurance is up for renewal. But are you sure you want to renew the same policy with the same company? It may seem like a lot of extra work to get and compare quotes, but a little bit of time may save you lots in the long run. Rushing through your renewal may cost you an opportunity to save on your insurance premiums or to improve the protection on your home. You should reassess your insurance needs annually (preferably when your policy is up for renewal) and ensure you're getting the best fit for your home insurance needs.

Home insurance is the most important protection you can have against total loss of your biggest investment. Your home insurance policy will be the only avenue you have to replace your personal belongings in the case of fire or damage which could result in losing everything. You need to ensure your coverage is adequate and you need to have an inventory of your material possessions. Too often, after a loss, you're faced with listing all of your possessions after the fact, which could result in missing items or details and could mean that you are responsible for replacing any missed items or pay for upgraded items yourself.

Whether buying your very first home, moving into another home, or just renewing your home insurance policy, it helps to know the truth about the industry's top misconceptions about home insurance. By fully understanding home insurance policies before you start making quote comparisons, you'll be more comfortable choosing the right policy to protect your home and belongings.

It's no secret that insurance is vitally important to protect you in the case of emergency or an accident. Yet, many renters fail to purchase tenants insurance. Similar to home insurance quotes, quotes for tenants insurance (also renters insurance) depend on many variables. However, the good news is that tenants insurance tends to be far less expensive than many other types of home insurance policies, because it doesn't include coverage on the actual building (which tends to be the bulk of home insurance costs). Considering the relatively low cost of tenants insurance, not carrying coverage is an unnecessary risk. Here are the top misconceptions about renters insurance and why you need a policy to protect you.

When you took your driving test, you studied hard, and were confident you knew the answers to any question the examiner could steer in your direction. But now it may have been many years since you passed that test, and some of the rules may have faded in your memory like the dog eared pages of your driver's handbook. So if you had to take your driver's test today, would you pass? How well do you know the new rules of the road…Or remember the old ones?

A poll conducted by an insurance company in September 2010 showed that nearly one quarter of Canadians don't know what their insurance policy covers. According to the study, more than half (53%) said they had made a claim on their insurance policy, and of those, 42% said they were surprised by something contained in their policy.