We Help Thousands Of Canadians Each Week With Their Insurance NeedsAt InsuranceHotline.com, we specialize in providing Canadians with online travel insurance quotes that are both flexible & affordable. In fact, our user friendly quoting process is so easy that it can be completed in as little as 3 minutes....

Understanding the facts about car insurance in Canada is crucial to ensure that you're making the best decisions before you buy a new vehicle or sign an auto insurance policy. Here are a few of the most common myths about auto insurance that you need to be aware of.

The sun is out, the air is warm, and after a long cold winter and a slow wet spring, you're ready to get on the road again. Before you hit the road, remember that with the change in seasons you need to keep your driving record clean and your insurance record claim free to make sure you don't see an increase in your car insurance premiums when it's time to renew. Here are some tips (and warnings) that will make you a safer driver this summer.

Winter driving presents hazards and risks that aren't present when driving in other seasons, raising the probability that you could get into an accident and need to make an insurance claim. To keep your car insurance premiums low, it's important to make it through the season safe and claim free. Follow these recommendations from Transport Canada to make sure that you're ready for whatever winter has in store.

Just because you must have insurance on your vehicle, doesn't mean that you should have to pay the highest premiums for your coverage. Following a few simple tips can help you reduce the cost of your insurance premiums and receive more competitive car insurance rates.

You have auto insurance to protect your car, and home insurance to protect your home and its contents - but what about the contents of your car? Few people realize that auto insurance only covers their vehicle - not the contents of the vehicle. The time to start thinking about the personal property in your car isn't after your vehicle has been stolen or burglarized, it's now.

When the Canadian dollar drives toward parity with the U.S. greenback, many Canadians who are in the market for a new car steer their sights south of the border to take advantage of the lower sticker prices in the United States. Before you shift your cross border car shopping into high gear, you may want to visit the Registrar of Imported Vehicles (RIV) website to review their Importer Checklist. Here are just a few facts and costs to consider.

The chilly air and falling leaves are signs that the motorcycle riding season is coming to an end. As you prepare to store your bike for the winter, you may also be thinking about your insurance coverage and how you can reduce costs. Will you save money if you cancel your insurance policy for the snowy months and renew it in the spring?

In the province of Ontario, automobile insurance is compulsory and required by law. This means that before you can obtain licence plates for your car or renew your vehicle registration, you need to purchase auto insurance. Unfortunately, there have been some cases of drivers operating their vehicles without insurance which endangers everyone on the road. To protect all drivers and help to keep our roads safe, the Ontario government and the Canadian insurance industry have introduced the Uninsured Vehicles Project.

We Help Thousands Of Canadians Each Week With Their Insurance NeedsAt InsuranceHotline.com, we specialize in providing Canadians with online travel insurance quotes that are both flexible & affordable. In fact, our user friendly quoting process is so easy that it can be completed in as little as 3 minutes....