Spring is just around the corner, and with spring comes rain and rapidly melting snow. These events can cause a back up of wastewater in the sewer system, which may find its way into your home, leaving your basement damaged and your possessions ruined.

Shopping for vehicle insurance can be confusing for consumers - there are countless options available for automobile owners, and just as many prices to match. Understanding what each type of coverage can provide and what it costs can give you comfort and save you money.

Many people don't review enough quotes from different providers to find cheap car insurance. It may take a little bit of extra time, but getting competitive quotes is the easiest way to make sure that you're not overpaying for insurance. Here are a few tips to help save you money on your auto insurance premiums.

If you think you've already done everything within your power to fight rising car insurance costs, think again. We've all heard many of the most common tips for reducing your rate, but what can you do after exhausting all of these options to make sure your premiums stay low?

In the unfortunate scenario where you had to make a home insurance claim, would you be confident that you had the right coverage? Given the wide variety of coverage options offered by insurance companies, it is perhaps not surprising that so many consumers remain confused about what their policy covers and whether it is sufficient for their situation. To help put your mind at ease, the following are some of the most important questions worth asking your insurance professional when shopping for home insurance.

Most drivers know that their deductible is an amount they must pay toward a claim before their insurance company pays. However, it is a common misconception that the deductible must be paid every time a claim is made. Although in most cases the deductible is enforced, there are instances where it is not. The following are some common examples of when a deductible is applicable and when it is not, in the province of Ontario.

If you are like most consumers, increases to your car insurance rate often leave you confused and frustrated, particularly when the root cause isn't clear or explained. Although there are several reasons your car insurance premiums may be on the rise, the following are some of the most common:

If you are considering cancelling your insurance policy, you may be wondering if you are entitled to a refund. When a policy is cancelled, insurance companies use a variety of methods to determine how much of your premium will be refunded to you. The method used is dependent on the reason that the policy is being cancelled in the first place.

Insurance companies use your driving record, including details of any tickets or accidents you may have had, as a key factor in settling their rates. For that reason alone you should be sure that the information on it is accurate and up to date.