With the holiday season here, the Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (R.I.D.E.) program will be taking to Canada's streets and highways once again. While R.I.D.E. is primarily aimed at keeping impaired drivers off the road, there are important points about the program that you'll want to keep in mind when getting behind the wheel this season. Learn how being prepared and cooperative can help you avoid getting a fine.

Believe it or not, insurance fraud costs the insurance industry approximately $3 billion each year. When most people think of insurance fraud, they typically think of organized groups who stage automobile collisions in order to claim medical benefits. But there are other types of insurance fraud that can be just as costly to the insurance industry and ultimately to you.

If you are like most people, the only times you think of reviewing your insurance policy are if you are making a claim or when you get your renewal notice in the mail. But did you know that there are a number of common changes to your driving profile that require you to notify your insurance company or insurance professional?

In October of 2009, the province of Ontario banned texting and/or talking on a handheld device while driving. Warnings with no fines were issued for a three month period. Effective February 1, 2010, the warning period is over and drivers can now be fined as much as $500.

According to theinternetretailer.com, there has been a steady increase in the number of Baby Boomers who are shopping online. "Baby Boomer" is a term that describes those people born starting in 1945/1946, who will be turning 65 in 2010 (which is the set retirement age in Canada), and in 2008 approximately 74 per cent of Boomers went online to make purchases.

Every year more consumers are taking advantage of the Internet to save money on their car insurance. However, not all websites are created equal and it is important to follow some important tips to make sure that you are getting the best deal available and the most accurate rate possible.

With the holiday season over, you're undoubtedly dreading the bills that are on their way to your mailbox. Fortunately if you're looking for ways to tighten your financial belt in the New Year, there are a number of simple ways to reduce the many costs associated with your car.

The holiday season is a time for friends, family and good cheer — yet unfortunately it can also be a time of potential risk. Sadly, with increased rates of people drinking and driving, plus theft being more prevalent, you'll want to stay aware and cautious, ensuring you get through the season safely. We will share some tips to help keep you and your possessions safe during the holidays.

With the holiday season here, the Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (R.I.D.E.) program will be taking to Canada's streets and highways once again. While R.I.D.E. is primarily aimed at keeping impaired drivers off the road, there are important points about the program that you'll want to keep in mind when getting behind the wheel this season. Learn how being prepared and cooperative can help you avoid getting a fine.