Did you know that you shouldn’t admit fault even if you believe you caused an accident? Yes. In fact, even if you think you’re at fault, the law may say otherwise. You may not have all the knowledge to make this decision on your own and it’s important you...

Sure, the snow may be a long way’s off but soon enough, dropping temperatures and that first sight of flurries may have us thinking of warmer climes. Whether you’re planning on being gone for one month or five months, here are some snowbird travel tips to keep in mind when getting ready for your break from winter.

Did you know that auto insurance in Ontario has been mandatory since 1979 ? A lot has changed since then. What hasn’t changed however, is that insurance is a two-way contract and while Ontario’s laws require you to have auto insurance if you own a vehicle, these laws also give you rights.

It costs a lot to drive a car in Ontario. There’s auto insurance, fuel, gasoline and regular maintenance to name just a few expenses. Come September however, it’s going to get a bit more expensive as the fees to renew your driver’s licence and licence plate sticker are set to increase.

With renovations comes the prospect of excessive noise, flying dust and debris, and heavy vehicles crowding the street, among many other things that can be an irritant or disruption to nearby residents. Learn what you can do to avoid bad blood between neighbours.