About Consumer AutoPlus and Consumer HITS Reports Insurance information is submitted to CGI by the Canadian Property and Casualty (P&C) industry. CGI stores that information but is not authorized to make changes to it. A consumer may request insurance information that CGI holds about them however...

Losing a valuable possession like a diamond ring, a high-end camera, or a luxury bike can be devastating. That’s why some people choose to protect their expensive articles by scheduling them into their home insurance policies. But what happens if you lose the item, file a claim, receive your payout… and happen to find the item a few months later?

Discounts have been a buzzword in the insurance industry for many years now; they’re they quickest and easiest way to reduce your premiums. But many people still aren’t sure which discounts are available and how to qualify for them, and they may be missing out as a result. Are you getting all the discounts you deserve?